Sunday, July 5, 2009

i-love-my-life kind of moments.

We’ve all had them. That powerful surge of the realization that yes, you’re life at that moment, is awesome.

They’re just really special, mind-blowing moments, only ones that your heart can fathom.

Nothing is better than a soul satisfied.

I was reminded the other day that there is a significant difference between joy and happiness. I think happiness can be crafted by circumstance. True joy rests in the fact that we just simply can’t make this moment up. It’s too good, too precious.

I think we’ll find that the i-love-my-life kind of moments do not come from purchasing anything, or maybe relate to anything material for that matter.

They’re the times where you have company over for dinner and realize that you love every single person in the room.

The times where you decide to curl up and read a book because you want to.

Most recently spotted i-love-my-life-moments include, but are not limited to: mornings that consist of breakfasting, farmers’ marketing, and beaching; really well done sunsets; realizing that the people in your life are incredible; running in i-can't-help-but-be-outside weather.

Raw and uncrafted, rare and treasured, the beauty of these moments is a sheer matter of gratitude and appreciation.

Found anywhere, by anyone, in anything.

[insert your own moment here]

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