Tuesday, April 28, 2009

this love is like a drop in the ocean.

I love it when you hear a song and there's a particular phrase you just can't shake. It's just that good. 

Bono, you're real good. 

Throughout a large portion of this year, the first year of adulthood (because when you're 21 it means nothing until you find yourself going through ValPaks looking for coupons on car washes, or making sure all the lights are actually turned off before you leave the house), I have found my heart repeating the sentence, "My God is mightier than circumstance." This love, his love, his love for me, is like a drop in the ocean, translating life and energy to places I couldn't have even fathomed.

My God is larger and mightier than circumstance.

So, I see myself as the drop. I bring all of what I think to be all of me. I have a border, a boundary, clearly defined space. My drop is today, April 28th, 23 years old. But when I fall into the unfathomable measures of God's ways and plans, I become surrounded by something outside of myself. Something bigger, and greater, and wider, and longer, and it's awesome.

What if we all were willing to be submersed in an ocean of God's plans and promises?

take this soul, and make it sing. 

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